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Planet Arkadia Update 2012.7: Further information

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Further to Tuesday’s Planet Arkadia Update 2012.7 release notes, we thought it worthwhile confirming further details about our two major changes. The changes to creature statistics and our Herman Industries weapon range are as follows:

Creature Statistics

Oratan Lancer

  • Hit probability slightly increased
  • Hit points significantly decreased
  • Damage slightly increased

Aakas Defender

  • Hit points slightly decreased

Aakas Paladin, Aakas Sentinel

  • Damage slightly increased

Dehera Attacker to Dehera Juggernaut (all ten maturities)

  • Hit probability slightly increased
  • Hit points significantly decreased on higher levels
  • Hit points slightly decreased on lower levels
  • Regeneration rate significantly increased
  • Run speed slightly increased
  • Damage significantly increased on higher levels

Magurg Female

  • Hit probability slightly increased
  • Hit points significantly decreased on higher maturities
  • Hit points slightly decreased on lower maturities
  • Regeneration rate significantly increased
  • Damage slightly increased on Young and Stalker


  • Hit probability slightly decreased
  • Regeneration rate significantly increased
  • Damage slightly increased on Young to Provider
  • Damage slightly decreased on Guardian to Dominant
  • Damage significantly decreased on Alpha to Stalker


  • Hit points slightly decreased
  • Damage slightly increased
  • Regeneration rate slightly inreased


  • Attack rate slightly increased
  • Hit points significantly decreased
  • Damage significantly increased on Young to Provider
  • Damage slightly increased on Provider to Stalker


  • Attack rate slightly decreased
  • Regeneration rate slightly increased
  • Damage significantly decreased

Weapon Statistics

As per Chris|Arkadia’s post here today, following are the new Start and End Skill Increase Bonus (SIB) levels for each of the weapons produced by Herman Industries. Those that have not changed are not included in the list:

Name Start End
Herman ARK-20 (L) 11 16
Herman ARK-30 (L) 27 32
Herman ARK-40 (L) 46 51
Herman ARK-50 (L) 65 70
Herman ARK-10 Desert (L) 5 10
Herman ARK-20 Desert (L) 21 26
Herman ARK-30 Desert (L) 34 39
Herman ARK-40 Desert (L) 54 59
Herman ARK-50 Desert (L) 70 75
Herman ARK-10 Jungle (L) 6 11
Herman ARK-20 Jungle (L) 23 28
Herman ARK-30 Jungle (L) 38 43
Herman ARK-40 Jungle (L) 60 65
Herman ARK-50 Jungle (L) 77 82
Herman ARK-10 Arctic (L) 6 11
Herman ARK-20 Arctic (L) 22 27
Herman ARK-30 Arctic (L) 36 41
Herman ARK-40 Arctic (L) 50 55
Herman ARK-50 Arctic (L) 75 80
Herman LAW-202 (L) 13 18
Herman LAW-303 (L) 27 32
Herman LAW-404 (L) 50 55
Herman LAW-505 (L) 66 71
Herman LAW-101 Desert (L) 5 10
Herman LAW-202 Desert (L) 21 26
Herman LAW-303 Desert (L) 42 47
Herman LAW-404 Desert (L) 56 61
Herman LAW-505 Desert (L) 71 76
Herman LAW-101 Jungle (L) 6 11
Herman LAW-202 Jungle (L) 23 28
Herman LAW-303 Jungle (L) 46 51
Herman LAW-404 Jungle (L) 60 65
Herman LAW-505 Jungle (L) 77 82
Herman LAW-101 Arctic (L) 5 10
Herman LAW-202 Arctic (L) 22 27
Herman LAW-303 Arctic (L) 44 49
Herman LAW-404 Arctic (L) 58 63
Herman LAW-505 Arctic (L) 75 80
Herman ASI-20 (L) 11 16
Herman ASI-30 (L) 24 29
Herman ASI-40 (L) 37 42
Herman ASI-50 (L) 63 68
Herman ASI-10 Desert (L) 7 12
Herman ASI-20 Desert (L) 21 26
Herman ASI-30 Desert (L) 32 37
Herman ASI-40 Desert (L) 42 47
Herman ASI-50 Desert (L) 70 75
Herman ASI-10 Jungle (L) 7 12
Herman ASI-20 Jungle (L) 21 26
Herman ASI-30 Jungle (L) 33 38
Herman ASI-40 Jungle (L) 44 49
Herman ASI-50 Jungle (L) 72 77
Herman ASI-10 Arctic (L) 7 12
Herman ASI-20 Arctic (L) 21 26
Herman ASI-30 Arctic (L) 33 38
Herman ASI-40 Arctic (L) 44 49
Herman ASI-50 Arctic (L) 72 77
Herman CAP-202 (L) 12 17
Herman CAP-303 (L) 25 30
Herman CAP-404 (L) 37 42
Herman CAP-505 (L) 56 61
Herman CAP-101 Desert (L) 7 12
Herman CAP-202 Desert (L) 20 25
Herman CAP-303 Desert (L) 32 37
Herman CAP-404 Desert (L) 43 48
Herman CAP-505 Desert (L) 62 67
Herman CAP-101 Jungle (L) 7 12
Herman CAP-202 Jungle (L) 21 26
Herman CAP-303 Jungle (L) 34 39
Herman CAP-404 Jungle (L) 45 50
Herman CAP-505 Jungle (L) 64 69
Herman CAP-101 Arctic (L) 7 12
Herman CAP-202 Arctic (L) 22 27
Herman CAP-303 Arctic (L) 33 38
Herman CAP-404 Arctic (L) 44 49
Herman CAP-505 Arctic (L) 65 70

Planet Arkadia Update 2012.7 (4th December 2012)

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The team at Arkadia Studios has been working hard on major new content for next year’s first update. We can’t talk too much about it for now, but let’s just say we’re quietly excited!

Today’s update, however, is focused primarily on rebalancing and bugfixing. Changes are as follows:

Creature Stats

As mentioned in the Entropia Universe 12.10 Release Notes, universe-wide change to balancing requirements for creatures has resulted in the need for review of all creature statistics. In most cases, our creatures were already well-balanced, however the following creatures had changes made:

  • Scoria
  • Kadra
  • Riptor
  • Nusul
  • Magurg Female
  • Oratan Lancer
  • Aakas Defender, Aakas Paladin, Aakas Sentinel, Aakas Warden
  • Dehera Attacker, Dehera Brute, Dehera Charger, Dehera Destroyer, Dehera Exterminator, Dehera Furion, Dehera Giant, Dehera Hero, Dehera Infuriator, Dehera Juggernaut

Weapon Stats

A universe-wide change to balancing requirements for weapons has resulted in the need for review of the Herman Industries weapon range. In our cases, this includes the entire ASI, ARK, CAP and LAW pistol and rifle series.

The requirement was that the whole range of weapons needed to have Skill Increase Bonus (SIB) figures adjusted in order for the rest of the statistics to remain the same. As a result, in general the SIB levels have increased for these weapons.

We understand that for those colonists who own such weapons (and the relevant Blueprints), this means a higher skill requirement to continue to be able to use the weapon. We realise this is an inconvenience and we apologise.

On the other hand, we took the decision to make this change, because it now appears to mean the weapon availability will improve. We hope this will be particularly noticeable at the higher ends of the ASI, ARK, CAP and LAW weapon series.

We are aware also that these changes open up SIB level gaps between the various weapons. This of course is an unintended consequence, and we are already looking at the possibility of new ranges of weapons in future, in order to fill these gaps.

Please understand that we are doing our best to look after you, our colonists, and we believe this change to be in the best long term interest of your community.

Fixes and Improvements

  • In the first of many future terrain updates, the area around Celeste Quarry has had some terrain changes. We encourage you to take your Hoverpod for a drive, so you can see what the future of Arkadian terraforming and landscaping holds.
  • A new Gallard spawn has been added to the north-east of Celeste Quarry. This is easily reached by following the tunnel through the hill from the Quarry, the entrance for which is at 31254, 9598.
  • Terrain and path updates have also been made around the Nusul Spawn area, primarily beginning from Celeste Outpost at 27267, 10933, and up through the hills to the north-west, all the way to a new entrance of Fearless Firebase Academy at 25047, 15354.
  • The ACA Representative’s missions have been adjusted so that it should now be possible to complete all missions.
  • All ten existing instances under the ancient city of Aakas should now be operating correctly. It should now be possible to exit the instance directly after looting the Treasure Chests.

Known Issues

  • Gallard’s collision box is the wrong size, and has already been adjusted. This change will come through with the upcoming patch, expected next week.
  • The instance behind the Arkadian Golden Door is still causing the server to crash. We are hopeful to have this rectified by the next update.
  • Arkoin Brokers are still not operational. At this stage we are unsure of a time for the fix, however we are hopeful of having it for our first update of 2013.

Congratulations Gold Rush Warrior, Prospector and Industrialist 2012!

By | Events, Gold Rush | No Comments

Dear participants of the Gold Rush Warrior, Prospector and Industrialist 2012, thank you for supporting this event for the past two months. We had a total of 39,481 entries (individual global events) for these Gold Rush events and only 3 will emerge victorious, each winning an Alienware X51 Desktop.

Chris has set up a random generator to pick the event winners to ensure that it’s fair for all participants (as long as they abide by the rules of the event).

I’m happy to present to you the winners for the following events:

Gold Rush Warrior 2012 – Shaman Wizard Legend
Entry 8454 (2012-09-20, 15:33:55) with a PED value of 55.89
Gold Rush Prospector 2012 – Michael Baks Bakke
Entry 4742 (2012-10-24, 16:07:54) with a PED value of 75.70

Gold Rush Industrialist 2012 – Anunaki Mithra Skarpnes
Entry 3707 (2012-09-11, 20:59:56) with a PED value of 196.39

For those who didn’t manage to win this time round, I hope you’ve enjoyed the events at a minimum. Do look forward to our future events and of course, the Gold Rush 2013. Your participation and continued support of Planet Arkadia is very much appreciated.

Cyrus Chen
Arkadia | Community Relations Manager

Planet Arkadia 2012.6.1 Patch Release Notes (17th Oct)

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Since last week’s discovery of Oratan Wave Spawns, the Oratan Lancer and a strange change to the Kadra, the following changes and fixes have now been implemented:

  • A newly discovered creature, the Gallard, was incredibly well-camouflaged in the recent version update, but has now taken on a bright orange appearance. Colonists need not be alarmed, however, as it is quite harmless. The Gallard can be found to the east of the Celeste Outpost Teleporter.
  • Some of the Oratan Wave Spawns are now spread over larger areas. This has mainly occurred in locations that aren’t boxed in by the surrounding terrain.
  • The time limits on Aakas instance levels 9 and 10 have been increased.
  • In all locations where previously there was an IFN Challenge Terminal, there are now three interaction points:
    1. IFN Challenge Terminal – this is a place for colonists to open and update their IFN Challenge missions, all of which are based on being rewarded for culling native populations of creatures above the ground.
    2. ACA Representative – this is a non-player character (NPC) who allows colonists to open and update missions for clearing out the instanced areas. Currently this applies to the instances under the ancient city of Aakas, with Dehera Clearance missions.
    3. Attribute Token Broker – this allows colonists to exchange 100 Attribute Tokens for an Attribute Point of their choice.
  • Two new sets of the above three interaction points have been placed at Celeste Quarry.
  • The Herman ASI-8 R, available from the Trade Terminal, is now tradeable.

Known Issues

  • The Golden Door under Aakas is currently unstable, causing the server to crash. Since crashing servers are a serious health hazard, the door is under further investigation, and has for the time being been made non-interactive.

Guess and Win!

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Over the course of 6 days different pieces of a Jigsaw will be put updated in the original post of this thread. The full picture will be revealed on the 7th day.

How to win:

  • Be the first person to guess correctly the full name (brand, model, type etc) of the item in the picture.
  • Each person can only guess once by posting your entry on this thread.
  • You are not allowed to edit your post in this thread (for whatever reason).
  • Any edited posts will be deemed invalid.
  • There will only be one winner.

What will you win:

  • The item in the picture.
    • You can choose to have the item sent to your home (Item will be sent by the end of November) or
    • Sell it in-game by trading with Cyrus Arkadia Community Manager the item’s certificate which you can then sell via trade or auction. Certificate must be traded back to Cyrus Arkadia Community Manager by the 10th November 2012.
  • Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore.
  • Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

We have a winner!
Congratulations to Jan Turisas Hagis for guessing the correct entry.
Please check your inbox for the PM.

Gunnar Vayper Onyx

Important notice!

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In searching for the best way to select a winner for the Gold Rush Socialite 2012 competition, the following items have come to the attention of Arkadia Studios:

a) Selecting a winner randomly from all page “Likes” is, contrary to the findings of our preliminary research, a breach of Facebook Terms and Conditions. When choosing a winner, that winner must be chosen from a specific competition entry.
b) An admin of a Facebook page is only able to create a list of a maximum of 500 of its fans at once.

This has led to the decision to use a third-party app called Wildfire, which will select a winner at random, from those who enter the promotion specifically.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, and are making every effort to ensure that those who have already “Liked” the page as a result of the Gold Rush Socialite 2012 competition, find out about the change. This will include making a post at our Facebook page.

To give everyone a chance to enter correctly, the competition is now being extended until 23:59 CEST on the Tuesday the 9th of October 2012. Instructions for entry are at the bottom of this post.

In addition, the opening post of the Gold Rush Socialite 2012 thread has been updated to reflect the new rules.

If you have any concerns about this change, you are encouraged to email Arkadia Studios at

Good luck!

To ensure you’re in the running for the Alienware X51 Desktop, you will need to do the following:

1. Go to and “Like” the page.
2. Go to the competition page here, click “Enter Sweepstakes” and follow the prompts to completion by 23:59 CEST on Tuesday the 9th October 2012.

Click “Enter Sweepstakes”.

Fill in and confirm your email address + Tick the check box to confirm you are 13 years and above. Click “Submit”.

You’re done! Decide to publish it to your wall, share with your friends or skip.

Real Life Arkadia Merchandise

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Let the Arkoin Auction begin!

Outbid your competitors and you could be trading Arkoins for a variety of virtual and real life items!

As we announced in this thread, due to some delays with Arkoin brokers, we are auctioning off a collection of virtual and real life items.

We’re pleased to announce that the first eight (8) of these auctions are now beginning!

UPDATE: Items added up to number 018!


Arkadia Studios has taken care to make sure these auctions will be as fair as possible to all. However, we welcome colonist feedback and suggestions on how it might be improved or run in a different way. We therefore reserve the right to make improvements during the auction as we see fit.

  1. A variety of items, both real-life and virtual, will be periodically auctioned during the Arkadia Gold Rush 2012.
  2. The auctions will occur entirely here, in Planet Arkadia Forum, and not in the in-game auction system.
  3. Bids will only be accepted in Arkoins.
  4. Bids of any items other than Arkoins (eg PED) will be deemed invalid.
  5. For each item being auctioned:
    • The item will feature in a new auction thread of its own
    • That auction will be announced in this thread, with a link
    • The auction will begin when it is listed
    • There will be no buyout bid amount
    • For the first three (3) weeks after the relevant auction thread is published, the auction will remain open
    • After the first three weeks, the auction will then end when a bid remains the top bid for a period of 72 hrs
    • Such a 72 hr period will be taken to have begun no earlier than three (3) weeks after the auction thread is published
    • The winner is required to contact Cyrus | Arkadia to arrange for trade, collection or shipping of the auction item, within one week of the end of the auction.
    • If the winner of the auction fails to collect their award within the aforementioned one week of the end of the auction, the item will be awarded to the next highest bidder.
  6. The potential issue has been raised that somebody could bid a million bajillion Arkoins that they don’t have, with the plan of winning the auction, not claiming their prize, and having the prize go to their friend, the second bidder with a very small bid.
    • This is a great point, and we appreciate it having been raised.
    • Arkadia Studios will at its discretion check that interesting bids are backed by an actual Arkoin balance.
    • Arkadia Studios will announce a bid to be invalid on such grounds if deemed necessary.
    • Please note, “million bajillion” is not a real number, though legitimate attempts to bid this high are of course encouraged.
  7. To avoid potential confusion, it would be most helpful if all bidders could ensure that their full in-game avatar name is visible either in their account details to the left of their post, or by stating it in the actual bid post.
  8. Prizes will be sent after the end of Gold Rush 2012 (estimated beginning of November).

To begin with, we are pleased to announce that the following items will be auctioned, with more to follow during the Gold Rush!

  • Full set of seven (7) Unlimited Blueprints for Ankitus armour (virtual items)
  • Full set of seven (7) Unlimited Blueprints for Koroma armour (virtual items)
  • Full set of seven (7) full TT pieces of Pegasus (M,L) armour (virtual items)
  • Full set of seven (7) full TT pieces of Pegasus (F,L) armour (virtual items)
  • 2 x Alienware X51 Desktop complete with mouse and keyboard (real life item)
  • 8 x Alienware TactX Mouse (real life item)
  • 20 x Planet Arkadia Cap/Hat (real life item)
  • 5 x Planet Arkadia Shirts (real life item) – 1 x (XS), 2 x (S), 1 x (M), 1 x (XL)

The following auction items (not a full representation of the above list) are now open for bidding, each in its own thread! Further items will be listed periodically throughout the Gold Rush!

Good luck, Arkadians!

Item No 001: Full set of seven (7) Unlimited Blueprints for Ankitus armour, all with Quality Rating of 100.

* Includes QR 100 Unlimited Blueprints for Ankitus Arm Guards (UL), Foot Guards (UL), Gloves (UL), Harness (UL), Helmet (UL), Shin Guards (UL) and Thigh Guards (UL).

* Please note that both Blueprints and the armours crafted are unlimited.

*Winner – Jim “Ewok” Morris

Item No 002: Full set of seven (7) Unlimited Blueprints for Koroma armour, all with Quality Rating of 100.

* Includes QR 100 Unlimited Blueprints for Koroma Arm Guards (UL), Foot Guards (UL), Gloves (UL), Harness (UL), Helmet (UL), Shin Guards (UL) and Thigh Guards (UL).

* Please note that both Blueprints and the armours crafted are unlimited.

*Winner – Kikki KJ Jikk

Item No 003: Full set of seven (7) full TT pieces of Pegasus (M,L) armour

* Includes Pegasus Arm Guards (M,L), Foot Guards (M,L), Gloves (M,L), Harness (M,L), Helmet (M,L), Shin Guards (M,L) and Thigh Guards (M,L).

*Winner – Kikki KJ Jikk


Item No 004: Full set of seven (7) full TT pieces of Pegasus (F,L) armour

* Includes Pegasus Arm Guards (F,L), Foot Guards (F,L), Gloves (F,L), Harness (F,L), Helmet (F,L), Shin Guards (F,L) and Thigh Guards (F,L).

*Winner – Yao-Te WildHeart Huang

Item No 005: 1 x Alienware X51 Desktop, complete with Mouse and Keyboard (real life item)

* Opening Bid is 200,000 Arkoins

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Lucky Angel Bob

Item No 006: 1 x Alienware X51 Desktop, complete with Mouse and Keyboard (real life item)

* Opening Bid is 200,000 Arkoins

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Hawkwing

Item No 007: 1 x Alienware TactX Mouse (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Yao-Te WildHeart Huang

Item No 008: 1 x Alienware TactX Mouse (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Kassandrea Kiryou Kell

Item No 009: 1 x Planet Arkadia Cap (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Lazer LAZZ Nero

Item No 010: 1 x Planet Arkadia Cap (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Lazer LAZZ Nero

Item No 011: 1 x Planet Arkadia Cap (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Tim TimUnleashed Kerin

Item No 012: 1 x Planet Arkadia Cap (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Lazer LAZZ Nero

Item No 013: 1 x Planet Arkadia Cap (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Tomas T79x Hope (T79x)

Item No 014: 1 x Extra Small Planet Arkadia T-Shirt (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Laela Nephthys Selena

Item No 015: 1 x Small Planet Arkadia T-Shirt (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Harmony Bella Simpson

Item No 016: 1 x Small Planet Arkadia T-Shirt (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Tim TimUnleashed Kerin

Item No 017: 1 x Medium Planet Arkadia T-Shirt (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Tomas T79x Hope (T79x)

Item No 018: 1 x Extra Large Planet Arkadia T-Shirt (real life item)

* Prize includes postage and handling from Arkadia Studios in Singapore

* Prize does not include any foreign charges (eg import duty) that may be incurred in your country.

*Winner – Lazer LAZZ Nero

Planet Arkadia Update 2012.5.1 Patch Release Notes (4th Sept 2012)

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Since the launch of the Aakas instances and the Arkadia Gold Rush 2012 last week, a number of changes and fixes have now been implemented:

  • After some triple checking of the higher order energy signatures in Arkadian Keys, the IFN has given the green light for colonists to explore what are expected to be even more dangerous parts of the subterranean desert city!
  • Due to numerous reports of Magurg Females eating careless colonists, the Arkadian Colonial Administration has requested greater attention be paid to Treasure Hunter safety. Accordingly, timers have been added to Aakas instances in the hope that colonists will stay focused.
  • A number of enterprising NPCs have started making interesting offers for Arkoins at the IFN Supply Depot:
    • IFN Clothing Store Arkoin Broker is at 30728, 13366.
    • IFN Armoury Arkoin Broker is at 30936, 13414.
    • IFN Weaponry Store Arkoin Broker is at 30974, 13511.
  • Apartment walls now operate as expected, and will tolerate things being hung upon them where previously they would not.
  • The Alloy Plate Blueprint icon should now be showing correctly.
  • The Arkadian Tools Blueprint Book now allows for crafting of the Arkadian Golden Key.
  • The instance areas under Aakas now generate appropriately themed music for Treasure Hunters.
  • Inspired by the appropriately themed music, the creatures under Aakas have now begun making sounds of their own.
  • The new Media Centre’s event terminal has been scolded in an open letter from the Trade Terminals union, and has now promised to behave itself.

Planet Arkadia Update 2012.5 (28th August 2012)

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First three instances under the ancient city of Aakas!


Do you call yourself a Treasure Hunter? Then join Arkadia Gold Rush 2012!

Read all about the new annual event, the Arkadia Gold Rush 2012, in the main even thread here.

There are ELEVEN new instances. 3 of them are ready to explore immediately, and the remainder will be available with the next patch (scheduled for next week). Remember to bring your Arkadian Keys, your team mates and your society!

New Annual Event!

Arkadia Gold Rush 2012
There are plenty of activities to take part in, with eight Alienware X51 Desktop machines to win!

  • Gold Rush Millionaire 2012 – find the Arkadian Golden Key, use it or trade it for 1,000,000 Arkoins!
  • Gold Rush Cinephile 2012 – win an Alienware X51 Desktop!
  • Gold Rush Socialite 2012 – win an Alienware X51 Desktop!
  • Gold Rush Industrialist 2012 – win an Alienware X51 Desktop! 1 crafting global = 1 entry!
  • Gold Rush Prospector 2012 – win an Alienware X51 Desktop! 1 mining global = 1 entry!
  • Gold Rush Warrior 2012 – win an Alienware X51 Desktop! 1 hunting global = 1 entry!
  • Gold Rush Arkoin Baron 2012 – win an Alienware X51 Desktop! Three to be won!
  • Gold Rush Evangelist 2012 – win an Arkadia Forum Gold Membership!

New Content!

  • New Teleporter at the ruins of the ancient city of Aakas, 11180, 9788.
  • Instances under the ruins of Aakas, entrance near the new Aakas Teleporter. First three are open immediately, remaining instances to be opening with the next patch (scheduled for next week).
  • A range of new items have been added, including:
    • Arkoin – a newly discovered stackable item which seems to mainly be found in the Aakas instances
    • Arkadian Golden Key Blueprint
    • Arkadian Golden Key Blueprint (L)
  • A Viewing Gallery has been added next to the starting area of the racetrack northwest of Formidable Firebase Academy.
  • A Media Centre has been added to the IFN Supply Depot at 30897, 13314
  • Four new tracks have been added to the generic music list
  • Ambience sound has been added to the Celeste Harbour server
  • Particle effects have been added to some mobs


  • General bug fixes
  • Adjustments have been made to Riptor Spawns
  • Hoverpods have been adjusted for greater stability

Known Issues

  • Instances currently play generic music, but will have their own music soon.
  • Most new creatures in the Aakas instances currently have no sound effects. This will be rectified in the next patch, scheduled for next week.
  • Currently only three of the ten instance levels are operational. The remaining instances will become operational in the coming patch.
  • The media centre’s event terminal has a life of its own, and believes it is a trade terminal. Its AI will be dialled down in the next patch, where it will be operating as required.
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